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2024-05-17 16:05:23 来源:外汇网站

IntroductionOver the past few years, several foreign exchange trading platforms in the UK, regulated by the F


Over the past few years, several foreign exchange trading platforms in the UK, regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), have declared bankruptcy. This has resulted in significant losses for traders and raises questions about the safety of forex trading. This article aims to explore some of the major UK-regulated forex platforms that have gone bankrupt in recent years.

Alpari UK

Alpari was a UK-based forex trading platform, which had been in operation for more than a decade before declaring bankruptcy in January 2015. The company cited the unexpected black swan event, the Swiss National Bank's decision to remove the franc's peg to the euro as the reason for its insolvency. Alpari was one of the largest forex trading companies in the UK and its insolvency raised serious concerns about investor protection measures.


FXCM UK was another leading forex trading platform in the UK, which declared bankruptcy in 2017. The company had to pay a penalty of $7 million to the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) for rigging currency rates and offering misleading information to its investors in the United States. This led to a significant decline in its share prices, resulting in the company becoming insolvent. The UK branch of the company had no choice but to file for bankruptcy, eventually being sold to Gain Capital for $40 million.

UK Regulated Brokerages (CWM FX and LQD Markets)

CWM FX and LQD Markets are two UK-regulated brokerages that were declared bankrupt in 2015. These two companies raised over $50 million from investors but were later found to be fraudulent and facing charges of money laundering. The UK FCA later revoked both companies' licenses, leading to massive losses for investors.

Blackwell Global UK

Blackwell Global UK, a forex trading platform based in the UK, declared bankruptcy in July 2018. The company was found to have violated the FCA's client money safeguarding rules, which resulted in a penalty of over £900,000. Its clients' funds were also not properly segregated, exposing them to significant losses.


The aforementioned UK-regulated forex trading platforms' bankruptcy raises concerns about investor protection measures in the forex trading industry. These incidents reinforce the need for investors to conduct due diligence before investing in any forex trading platform. It is essential to ensure that the selected platform is regulated by the appropriate regulatory bodies and has robust risk management policies in place.

标签:外汇平台 本文来源:外汇网站责任编辑:外汇平台

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